Monday, January 7, 2013

Only the Beginning

I was so afraid
when he mentioned a divorce
so, suffered his wrath

threats of stealing them
my babies, gone in the night
to his birth country

He'd have me locked up
but bent me over in bed
bruise my wrists and ---thrust---

Finally, one night
I stood by; held my children
so he knocked us down

Baby and toddler
with me, forced down to the tile
too afraid to cry

He plucked one from me
-the fear in my son's silence
pulled from my embrace

And into a room
no cries, screams, breathing or noise
What was happening!

I pounded the door
feared him "hushing" my baby
and fell to my knees

Praying for babe's breath
holding my daughter so tight
I bartered my life

Bellowing laughter
"What did you think I would do!"
I fell in the door

And then I saw it.
nothing.  an empty baby.
he would fear no more

My son would survive
but would never trust again
No more innocence

From that night forward
my daughter would always fear
subconsciously fear

Thank God they were young
Barely two and five years old
They won't remember

This man I'd married
damaging my children's lives
does he have a soul?

I think he knew it-
though only for that moment,
He didn't want dawn

Why did I stop him?
Driven off to kill himself
I stopped him.  We fled.

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