Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Today I'm ok.
Going through the motions, yeah-
but surviving it.
No closet this time
No going numb, blacking out...
I don't have to hide.
I used to wonder,
did my ex-husband rape me?
He saw it different.
I went back last night
Post-Traumatic-Stress my ass.
hmph; it was my ass.
It was anal rape
I'd only wanted to please
-it wasn't enough

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Zombies can't catch you
When you're a "girl on the go"
They lurch far too slow

Friday, May 25, 2012

Struggling, panicked. I'm
Tossed through the storm with anchors
clasping to my legs

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The red tide swiims in
Infection, infestation,
Paths lead from the beach
shells, sea-glass, metal...
footprints trailing blood are now
caking up with sand
Hot, stagnant tide-pools
sit in a coma all day
begging for the tide
With blistering sun
and syncopated rhythm,
waves claw at the sand
I've been drowned and left
scraping on the barnicle
with salt-water stare
I fight gracefully
and without alternative
-my war never ends
It's not time that heals,
it's God.  But He is too late
His schedule's different
Desertion will not come.
Life succombs to hell.  Nothing.
But I wear it well.
He takes advantage
Tears me from soul to crack
Then leaves me for dead
Soul shattering scream
her wrist's exhiliration!
Upward flowing blood
Tar black twilight clots
thick and asphyxiating,
piercing starry prayer
I am terrified
My brain is throbbing to tongue
This could be my death
Why stare at the floor
Searching for carpet granules
When you can vacuum?
Oooooo, Oooh! OCD CD
Shut up! Get it right!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bicycle tires. Sand.
Broken pine-tree branches. Breaks.
Her neck was exposed.
How are you surprised?
Left out in the rain and cold,
A bicycle rusts.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A man and his dog;
may no one have to journey
without such a friend.