Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I've shared far too much/
In a glance or a weekend/
-but love is sacred
My body misses/
all the ways we wrap around/
Each other's torso

Sunday, September 20, 2015


I'm more me with you/
Want to make you feel fulfilled/
Not sure why you do/

But you do me well/
And I'll give you everything/
If you want it all/

I enveloped you/
In my dream-wings this morning/
(Though I was surprised)/

I feel like the tide/
In your arms, while I'm sleeping/
In sync with the world/

I had angel wings/
Face to your chest, half awake/
(And I'm no angel)/

You are my reward/
I've worked hard towards my whole self/
And I deserve you/

I know my pure heart/
And I've known you forever/
Life... To get to you

Friday, September 4, 2015

Haiku free my heart/
Philosophy dusts my soul/
Religion Blinds me
How is my heart free?/
Bunny, ferret -dead and gone/
Left my children sad 
My home uncluttered/
By the hassle of y children/
A pms rage
I have met pure love/
Outside of my children's' lives/
At human level
We lose our loved ones/
Everyday life replaces/
Mundane must not win