Sunday, April 29, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012


A vase cannot hold
a rose's exquisite form;
each petal -soft milk


Waiting forever
It sits in sand and moonlight
It fell this winter


Only thing I miss?
Has nothing to do with him.
Just this camping trip.


Youth, when encouraged,

Work harder than you'd know, given



Exploring a zoo,

Beauty in color all 'round.

Will she use her wings?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Complete A-Z Challenge

"A" is Amanda
I am stronger than you'd think
Inside-out, I love

"B" the angry bitch
has an Asshole ex-husband
who hurts children (yep).

"C" is “head” -his name
"You'll never see them again!"
His language speaks pain

"D" is to be damned
by someone who promises death
kidnapping my kids

"E" is everyone
whose international spouse
stole children; taught fear

"F" is forgiveness
should I give it to myself?
Yes. But to let go...

"G," it says, "I wonder."
Do I want reality?
Or do I prefer...

H” my heart beats strong
and with such amazing love
it chokes in my throat

"I" is for myself
who won't be treated like dirt
my children shall know

"J" the jugular-
Young girls who thirst for blood-lust.
What a sad culture.

"K" is my surname
it was lost for ten years once
now I'm me again

"L" is for ending
right shoulder/ torn ligaments
I won't climb again

"M" is so cliché-
a McGuffin Hitchcock film;
dial it for murder.

"N" is for Russia;
read, Lolita in Tehran"
My vodka ice clinks.

"O" is a phantom
my children leave tomorrow
my heart dies each time

"P" is religion
Phenomenology's ghost
Philosophy's host

"Q" is the blade
silent, easy, bloody out
I wish she’d resist

"R" is my daughter
I miss naming her freckles
when she is away

"S" is for my son
My Boynton, "Snuggle Puppy"
sad, confused, and angry

"T" nearly completes
the guillotined crucifix
hanging by a thread

"U" is below me;
a Germanic term
for what’s not surfaced

"V" is an hour glass
my body crushed by snow
drowned in the Ukraine

"W" is for winner
Tell me now, is that a joke?
No... I'm just a fool.

"X" is censorship,
sewing your lips together.
Tear those stitchings off!

"Y" can be a vowel
but usually is a question
it measures three sounds

Z" is 'round midnight
it took a lot to get here;
FINALLY I'm tiredzzzzzzz
Soduko puzzles.
Erasing through the page.
Insomnia's cure.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

When I prayed for death
The universe just sent me
a letter of time

Monday, April 16, 2012

One telephone call
made my children cry and cry.
That bastard! Their dad.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A to Z challenge "H"

"H" is for a wig
a donation that will bring
healing, pride, and strength

Friday, April 6, 2012

Weighing in just shy-
Too skinny boy, too fat girl,
Pressure always fit
Waist lines; muffin-tops
Slender, svelte, dysmorphia
Mirrors say so much
Bodily functions
No noises in a deaf world
Yet everyone stares
Is it dry or damp?
Swallowing wont' remind me
Only beg restraint
My stomach lurches
Intestinal spasms, pain
Pump the valve again